Blessed Domingo Iturrate Zubero

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November 24, 1914 by fatimaprotocol

Blessed Domingo Iturrate Zubero

Blessed Domingo Iturrate Zubero is the boyhood friend of Fr. Aloysius before he entered the Claretian Missionaries. They lived about 20 minutes apart, Aloysius in Yurre and Domingo in Dima. They would often take the trail walk through the mountains to go from one house to the next. Domingo spent some time in Yurre, as he was sick, and he had to stay with his uncle, Aloysius’ local parish priest. Not only were the two boys good friends, but the priest uncle was almost part of the family. This was the usual practice in the country hillside towns in the very early 1900’s. Regarding the number of saints from the Basque provinces, there are over 146 beatified and canonized saints from the Basque provinces. The territory is about the size of New Hampshire.

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